Life in Korea & Tips

How to use KakaoTaxi

Hey there~ Today I wanted to teach you about KakaoTaxi 🙂 I know KakaoTaxi is not the newest thing,  but today was the first time I used it. It was too cold (-16C) to go to work by foot or even by bus, and I was feeling particularly lazy to walk to the taxi stop… Continue reading How to use KakaoTaxi

Life in Korea & Tips

Digging into Daum Maps

Hello! A few weeks after the original post explaining briefly what Daum Maps and Naver Maps are, I saw that someone wanted to know more about how to use these fantastic map services, and since I myself was no expert, I decided to spend a couple hours creating an account for DAUM, trying out all the features they offer, and translating anything I didn’t understand. This post today is a more in-detail explanation of what Daum Maps is, and how can we use it to its best. Read on, I promise you will learn new things!

Outdoor activities

Mallipo Beach full day trip: swim, SUP, eat and watch the sunset with us!

Originally posted on Hippie Korea:
Hey Hippies! Last weekend we went to the Beach again! Why? Because it’s summer ^^ And because this beach, Mallipo (만리포) in Taean county, has so much to offer!~ Check out the pictures we took that day! The bus ride usually takes 2h, although we are in peak season, so…

Life in Korea & Tips

5 cosas en Corea que te chocarán

Siendo países tan lejanos en distancia y cultura, es normal que haya muchas cosas que nos choque a los españoles al venir a Corea. Algunas de estas cosas chocan al principio, pero uno termina acostumbrándose pronto… como los váteres electrónicos de última generación, o las hordas de ajjumas excursionistas vestidas de multicolor invadiendo los metros y buses. Pero hay otras cosas a las que uno no se puede acostumbrar tan fácilmente…

JUST ME · Life in Korea & Tips

Relaciones Amorosas en Corea: todo un mundo de costumbres y celebraciones

Hace tiempo que no escribía en Español, pero hoy es una ocasión especial porque mi blog ¡cumple 100 días! Muchos de ustedes se estarán pensando: ¿desde cuándo se celebran los 100 días de un blog? A lo que yo les responderé que, en verdad, tenía pensado hacer un post especial a los 3 meses, pero hablando con Victor me di cuenta de que 3 meses y 100 días son fechas cercanas entre sí, y que aquí en Corea se suele celebrar los 100 días, tanto de un bebé recién nacido, como de una pareja de enamorados.

Outdoor activities

Ansan Rock Festival’15: Info on how to get there and how to get back home!

Hi~~ Victor and some friends are going to the Ansan Rock Festival this weekend, and we were trying to figure out how to get there (and back) without using the tour party buses. The official website has very complete information… in Korean. So I spent nearly an hour figuring out and decided to post it on my blog because it might help others too, right? ^^